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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 142 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 131 days ago.

Jan 22 2024
Reverse of monster attack system
As wished by the community through a poll concerning monster behaviors, we have now reverted the monsters back to how they were before the update.

Poll can be found here:
Poll -Change the monster attack-behavior from previous update?

RetroCores Staff
Dec 31 2023
Happy new year!
We would like to wish a Happy New year to everyone!

We hope you've had a great 2023 and that you'll end up having an even better 2024!

as a good end of 2023 we're going to share a little statistics how RetroCores behaved in 2023!
In RetroCores on December 31 there was:
  • 110,593 accounts

  • 776,279 Unique IPs checked RetroCores
  • 121,499 downloaded clients
  • 46,621 downloaded minimaps

  • 33,116 characters
  • 1,056 in Rookgaard
  • 5,017 Sorcerers
  • 3,473 Master Sorcerers
  • 3,871 Druids
  • 2,066 Elder Druids
  • 5,986 Paladins
  • 2,803 Royal Paladins
  • 6,382 Knights
  • 2,462 Elite Knights

The whole year of 2023:
  • 5,028 created accounts
  • 20,469 inactivity deleted characters (lvl*30 days inactivity)

We hope that you've enjoyed RetroCores in 2023 and we hope you'll continue to enjoy it in 2024 too!

RetroCores Staff
Dec 30 2023
Update -Performance and monster behavior
Today we're happy to release another update as we continue to improve RetroCores!

In this update, we're releasing a new monster system that's more powerful and yet uses less resources at the same time!
RetroCores monsters will from this day and forward, be more unpredictable with their attacks, and more dangerous for that reason.

You could say that monsters now have the ability to get frustrated.

Before this update, all attacks of monsters were to some degree predictable, making it too easy to stair-jump or determine when to heal and when to use spells on them.

With this update, monsters themselves will decide when and how to use their attacks (not melee, that one is same as always).
This means that a minotaur archer could hit you with 2 bolts in less than 0.5 second, a dragon could hit you with double fireball or fire wave.
And a demon could hit you with a double energy beam!

For this reason, monsters will seem like they've always been in RetroCores, however at some point you might experience double or even triple attacks in very short time, and if you're not ready for it, you could die to it!

Stair jumping is also much harder than before, as monsters will get frustrated and try to snap you for bugging them.
They can and they will likely throw attacks your way if you spend too much time on the stairs!

We feel the need, to avoid confusion, mention that we value the oldschool mechanics of tibia, and we only wish to enchant the feeling of it, and improve the game around it.
This update does not remove the ability to stair jump, and neither will monsters you normally hunt, suddenly be too hard for you.
In short, many places you might not even notice any changes at all in monsters, only if you're really hunting something out of your league.

Before this update, it was fully possible and quite easy to stair-jump kill demons with a level 8, with magic level 15, using sd's.. as long the demon doesn't walk too close to the stairs.
After this update, the same characters would end up dying within a minute guaranteed.
While higher levels it's still possible to stair jump demons, for example at level 50.. risky but possible.

Additionally, this update brings the attack behavior closer to what it was in tibia before monsters got exhaustion added to them, when creatures were unpredictable and randomly dangerous.
The dangerous "dragon combo"
(notice how the 74 and 80 damage is from GFB, not from wave that missed..)

The desperate minotaur archer

We hope you'll enjoy this update, that it bring back some goosebumps as you hope not being hit by a full combo.
And we hope you'll continue to enjoy RetroCores for a long time!

RetroCores Staff
Dec 24 2023
Merry Christmas!
We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays, either if you celebrate Christmas on the 24:th, 25:th or not at all!

We hope you'll have a wonderful end of the year 2023 and of course that you enjoy RetroCores!

RetroCores Staff
Dec 18 2023
Update 1.63 -Report, Judge, Performance
We're happy to present you with RetroCores update 1.63!
This update the focus have been at upgrading RetroCores so it stays sharp for the future, but also to bring something new that the community might enjoy in a odd way!

To begin with, we've worked really hard and for a long period of time on upgrading the game, client and website.
Unfortunately it's not very visible but still very important when it comes to maintaining RetroCores for everything that changes in computing as the years goes by.

And now for the fun stuff..
New Report System
We've designed a report system there you easily can create and submit reports directly from in the game!
This report system is to be used to report cheaters, bug abusers, bugs and other issues.
You click this button to start a new report

And then you're presented with some various details and 5 options as to which kind of report you wish to make.

If you click on report player, you'll see this

When you're ready to "get to action", you click "Start Recording" and this little beauty shows up.
This will show you how long you've recorded and when you're ready, you click the stop button to continue.

If you're reporting a player, it's important to make sure you add the player to the report as quickly as possible to ensure quality of the report.

When you've added someone, the record window will look something like this.

And then when you have enough recording, you stop the recorder and this will show up in it's place, to be on stand-by while you get to a safe place there you take a moment to finish the report.

Once you're safe and continue on the report, this will show up and you can submit as much detail you can to make it a report of quality with better chance at being accepted as a valid one.

And when you're finished, you send it and you can follow it's progress in your account panel under your report center.

Report Reputation
There's a reputation system in place, to ensure that quality reports gets a higher priority and that bad reports can't come swarming.
Whenever you make a report that turns out to be valid, you'll obtain 10 reputation points as a reporter.
However, if you make a report that's invalid, you'll lose 15 reputation points.

If you have a negative reputation, you can only send 1 report every week per account.
If you have positive reputation, you can make a new report as soon your last one is closed, and with high enough reputation, you can even have multiple "open reports" at same time.

So when you report something, don't rush it, make sure you get it right, so you increase your reputation rather than dropping it.

Community Report Judges
We have a system in place that allows almost anyone to become a judge and decide the fate of the reports.
Judges are people who has an report-judge accuracy of minimum 75%, and if a report has enough judges with majority agreeing on the action, the report will be automatically treated and closed, and if the report is for cheaters/abusers, deletions will be handed out quickly.

Note that reports can change their status when checked out by admins, previously valid reports can become invalid, and vice versa, with reputation, punishments and information changes accordingly.

To become a judge, you can go to the report center and "train" on closed and "approved" reports until you have high enough reputation to be allowed to judge real reports.
As a judge, you gain 10 reputation for being right on a report, but you lose 30 reputation if you're wrong.

More information how to make reports, reputation, and judge businesses can be found in the report center located in your account panel.

RetroCores Staff
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