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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 187 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 5 days ago.
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Jan 15 2020
Testia -The Test-Server for future developments of game and client

Today we've created a new world solely for the purpose to run tests!

Testia is a world there people can login to have some fun and help out testing things that needs to be tested before taken into the real worlds.

Test-Server means that changes and rollbacks can happen at any time without notification.
Also the Test-Server is not presented in highscores nor latest deaths.

Beware that punishments such as banishments and deletions affect your enire account!
So getting banished in the Test-Server will mean that you also get banished from the normal worlds!

Rates of Testia:
Exp: 20x
Regen: 20x
Skills: 20x
Magic: 3x
Loot: 10x

Other features of Test-Server:

  • You don't have to learn spells.
  • You don't need blank runes to create runes.
  • Conjured items will have 10x more charges.

Also Testia offers an NPC in every city depot that buys almost everything Djinns/Rashid would buy!

Sometimes Testia will be running on a client version higher than other worlds, and when that happen you will need to download the approved client to login to Testia.
The link below will always give you the latest version of client, so if you in future find you can't login to the Test-Server because outdated client you can redownload it from below.
Test Client Download.

The approved client for testing, is a Wine version.
Which means it can run on Windows and Wine applications.
It also means that the client will not automatically update itself when necessary but you will have to do it manually by downloading a new.

What's the first thing to be tested?
We are going to test so that the new client 1.06 is running smooth and that everything works fine and that the client handles the new systems for the client nicely too.
The biggest client feature is a whole new lagg-walk system which will allow you to walk smoothly even with high speed characters far above 200ms ping.
Also a whole new path-finding system that will make your character walk more smoothly when there's creatures around you, also that your client wont freeze if you click on unreachable places in minimap.
Other than those two there are multiple system improvements of the client, and we need to make sure there are no "accidental bugs" since the changes are so extensive.

If you find any issues, you can report them in this forum thread.

RetroCores Staff

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