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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 187 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 5 days ago.
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Mar 16 2020
Stay calm and safe during the corona outbreak!
I would like to notify everyone to stay calm and safe during the outbreak of the COVID19 virus!
Treat it with a great amount of respect, it's real and it's spreading quickly.
It's not dangerous for most of us however it is very dangerous for weaker individuals and that's the reason for the quarantines world-wide.

The guidelines are often "wash your hands" but it's not very often anyone really specify when.
You should wash your hands or using hands sanitizer after touching things that other people have been touching, such as door handles.
You should do the same when you're using money, credit cards or showing driver licenses, those are things that often collect a lot of germs.

Also, if you leave your home, the second you leave the home you need to establish a rule NOT to touch your face (mouth, nose and ears) or places on your skin that's damaged such as pimples or scratches, until you've been able to wash your hands properly at home.
Also during time away from home keeping a distance of at least 1 meter (3 feet) from other people and extra length from those you notice might having a cold or look like they're not entirely healthy.
Additional tip would be to hold your breath for a few seconds while you pass at places there a lot of people might breathe, such as at entrances of stores or similar.

Doing this, will decrease the chance of you getting sick in any kind of flue or virus by 90%.

It's also a good thing to stay healthy by getting the vitamins needed, by either eating fruit or at least drinking juice made mainly from fruit that can assure you that they contain vitamins.
The most important vitamins during disease seasons are vitamin C.
(Pro tip, eating/drinking fresh lemon daily make it harder for viruses to root in your body due to high levels of vitamin C + many acids that help the body to control acidity in the body)

With great respect and care during these times, you have a very big chance getting out of it without even getting a cold!
So stay safe, and don't be naive and take bad chances.

The good news, that's not mentioned very much, is that COVID19 virus is sensitive to heat as many viruses, including direct sun contact.
In few months summer arrive in the northern hemisphere and if the virus isn't under control by then, our summer weather will take it out slowly but for sure.
But as for now there are scientists working their ass off around the world and a few vaccines and cures have already appeared and being tested for the COVID19 (global testing will happen within few weeks).
So don't you worry it's not going to last for years!

Just to point out, I'm NOT trying to scare you, I'm trying to make you feel safer with tips how to avoid getting sick and that the world is making progress!
Even though social media tends to look like it's an apocalypse which it's not, as long it's treated with respect.

I also hope you found the information provided here useful and enlightening.

Stay safe!

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