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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 187 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 5 days ago.
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Oct 30 2020
Securing your account isn't hard and doesn't mean it will be annoying every day.
I'd like to address this to everyone who aren't securing their accounts!

Most players doesn't have antiviruses:
Securing your account is necessary to avoid you getting hacked, if you secure your account it's close to impossible to hack your account.
But without securing your account, it's quite simple to hack it, all that's needed is that you use same account/password in multiple places, or have keyloggers on your PC.
Now majority of players doesn't have antiviruses, which means they can easily have keyloggers.

Hacking is a business:
Keyloggers within tibia is very common, it's a business for certain people to hack players of various tibia games because if they get valueable items they can sell it and make money out of it quite easily.
So it's a huge business, trying to hack other players, especially from countries with fallen currencies such as Venezuela.

Securing the account doesn't mean it's going to be annoying:
Some people thought that if they enable the 2FA on their account, they'd need to give a token every time they login to the game.
This is false, we know how annoying it is to give a token every single time you login, so we don't do that here.
We have IP-Lock instead that you control on the website, that authorize where you can login from, so you will never have to give a token every relog.
However, some people change their IP on daily basis, and for them it's just 1 click on a button on the website to update their IP-Lock to authorize the new IP.

Only give 2FA token once!
By choosing the option "Automatic Login" when you login, you don't have to login and give the token anymore on the device you're on.
This isn't recommended on other devices that isn't your own.
Doing this, on your own devices means that you wont have to give the token every single day, just those days when you've manually logged out from the website and want to login again.

Securing the account doesn't give us personal data of you!
Some people think that using the 2FA will give us their phone number, this isn't true.
You only need a third party app on your phone that can generate tokens for you, but information about the phone is never shared with us!

You don't need a smart-phone to enable 2FA!
That's right, you don't need a smart phone, though I would recommend using a phone since it will be harder to "sniff" for the token.
You can download authy on your computer and setup 2FA on that instead of your phone, again I do not recommend that as that would put all information on the same device which make it easier to hack with backdoors and keyloggers.

Simplified tutorial:
I made a video some time ago there I display how to secure your account step by step, it might be a good idea to check it out if you've never used 2FA before and don't know how to do it.
Also keep in mind, what you see in video versus what you see on website today might be slightly different, but in general most should work just as in the video.

I hope this article will make more people aware and actually securing their accounts!
It's not fun for you getting hacked because you're being lazy or just trust the world too much.
And it's not fun for games to get hacked players either since most of the cases it's the game that take the blame for the lazy players not being safe with their account.

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