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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 187 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 5 days ago.
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Nov 04 2020
Game & Client Update 1.16 --Part Two

Part two of 1.16 update.

Chase Mode:
If you don't have this option set, the character would always chase your targets even if you try to walk away from it.

In client 1.16, if you have this option unchecked, and manually walk while having a target, the auto-chase will disable for a short moment so you can freely walk around for whatever reason, but when you stop walking, it will enable auto-chasing and chase after your target again!

Auto-Walk into houses:
At certain situations, some characters would get stuck moving back and forth outside a house when not invited, until it was stopped by the player by either manual walking or other ways that stop characters from doing their automated tasks in the game.
This have been fixed and the character will stop walking if it tries to reach an unreachable tile such as inside a house without being invited.

Freeze detection:
It happens sometimes that a player might get stuck there the character is displayed at one position while being in a completely different position ingame.
Reason for getting stuck can be many from loss of connection to client for a second got blocked by the operation system.
However, a system have been created to detect when this happens so it can be corrected ASAP so the player doesn't die in a bad place by getting stuck.
The system will be for any kind of freeze, as long as you're still connected to the game.
Additional to this, a few existing freeze issues have been patched.

Cam Recordings:
When you're viewing cams, windows will no longer show up as used ingame.
Books/letters, store, team search, and other similar windows will not showup anymore on cams.
In addition to that, we've created a control-panel for cams when you're watching them, getting more eye friendly information about length of the cam and also where in the cam you are, and of course a little progress-bar showing where you are exactly.
And then we have buttons to control playback speed, go forward/backward half a minute, pause, stop and play buttons.
Now cams aren't exactly as a video file so of course there are limits what can be done and not.
So buttons that work slightly different:

  • Pause = Slow down cam to minimum speed (0.0625x).
  • Stop = Will stop the cam entirely.
  • Play = Play the cam at natural speed (1.0x).
  • This control panel can be moved to anywhere in the client.

Spellwords as text or animated:

You find the option in Options > Console, near the place where you can modify loot and task messages!

Party Task Share:
When you're in party, and are able to exp-share, the task will be shared as well.
Which means everyone in the party get a share of the task even if they didn't get the chance to attack the creature.

Better Windows support and stability:
We have completely rewritten how the client is handling itself on Windows platforms to make it as supported and functional as possible and having minimum risk of Windows, antivirus or firewalls blocking the client of functionalities of the client.

This means that majority of players that used to be unable to run directX client will now be able to with the new client.
This also means that players that used to get client crash whenever the client took automated advance screenshots will be able to enable screenshots again and feel safe.
And additionally, players that have experienced that certain buttons not working, will not have these problems anymore.

New client launcher for Windows client:

This is how the new launcher looks like, quite much like the old one..
new and clearer background but visually there's not much difference.

However, in the background this launcher has changed a lot, to make sure it's as supported as possible on Windows platforms and also that there's minimum risk of any application ever questioning it's security, etc antiviruses.

This is the launcher that will start the 1.16 client and above, and make sure it's up to date.

In case the launcher is blocked to update itself:
If your operation system is blocking the launcher from updating itself and show errors similar to "Failed to update launcher".

  • Go to your client folder and delete "RetroCores directX.exe" and "RetroCoresCores openGL.exe".
  • Download the new launchers (windows client option).
  • Extract and move "RetroCores directX.exe" and "RetroCores openGL.exe" to the same folder you deleted the old ones in.
  • And you're done.

RetroCores Staff

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