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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 142 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 131 days ago.
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Character Auctions
In RetroCores anyone can easy and safe sell and buy characters from the character market

Requirement to bid on a character:
  • Not reached max character limit on account
  • Have less than 5 leading bids
How does bidding work?
When you bid on a character, the amount of points will be withdrawn from your account.
If someone overbids you, the points will be returned to the account instantly.
If you are the leader of a bid, and want to increase your bid you can safely do so, only the difference from your old bid and new one will be withdrawn from your account.

If the auction ends in less than 5 minutes, and someone place a bid, the timer will reset back to 5 minutes.

When a character is won:
It's delivered in full with all items, skills, quest statuses and more.
The only things that's not included with the character is cams, criminal records and so on (things that's attached to the seller account).

The character will be given to the buyer within a minute after the auction have finished.
And the character will receive a namelock, so the new buyer can change the name of the new character for free.
Once you've changed the name, it will update on the character within a minute.

All in all, once you've bought a character, you'll be able to login to it within 5 minutes!

Requirement to sell a character:
  • Minimum level 8
  • No house
  • No guild
  • No active banishments
  • No active namelock
When you want to sell a character, go to My Auctions and you can see a list of your characters there you can chose to sell them.
There's a fee of 5 shop points when creation an auction for your character.
You can chose how much the minimum bid must be, and in case nobody bid on it before the auction time runs out, the character is returned to you.
You can also chose how many hours the auction should last for (6 - 48 hours).

While the character is in auction, you cannot access it.
If the character is sold, you will be given 80% of the winning bid to your account instantly.

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