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A game by Core-Series
Dec 18 2023
Client version 1.63 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Dec 01 2023
Ho Ho Ho! Santa has been spotted in RetroCores, carrying a huge sack full of goodies and presents. Have you been nice or naughty this year?
Nov 22 2023
Client version 1.62 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 21 2023
Client version 1.61 has been released, if you are using the Wine or Linux client you will need to download the latest version manually.
Nov 14 2023
Solera is now back online!
Changelog: Latest entry was made 12 days ago. Cheaters: Latest cheater deleted 1 day ago.
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Admins never accept 'side money' nor taking sides with teams or players.
Views: 470

This topic goes hand in hand with "Disinformation campaigns, trolls and haters" and might be a good page to gather extra understanding about this whole topic.

Accusations about bribes

I'm (Marcus) often target of attacks or accusations claiming I'm accepting money on the side for services.
The services could be about items, runes, banishments, deletions and even unbanishments and undeletions.

Truth to be told that's ridiculous and easily proven wrong if used with proper information and logic.

I frequently get offers various offers, but always decline them.
I even get people asking me if they can help out, giving me money with no strings attached, I turn those down too.
And thinking about how I turn down "free money", makes it quite weird why I'd be accepting bribes.

Here's few "attempts" to either throw money at me, or bribe me:

This was before Isara was planned

This one is from March, 2020

Another one fro  March, 2020

This one is from March 2021

And one from yesterday (September, 2021)

At least, once a week I get offer about money for various reasons, every single one is always turned down.
I will never accept "side money" no matter what the reason for it is.

I believe in honest work, being fair and doing the right thing.
And that's how I'll always be.

Accusations about taking sides/favoring specific players ("friends")

In RetroCores I never favor anyone for any reason.
Some people might think so depending on their view of the situation but it's not true ever.

Often, people tend to accuse me for not banishing/deleting "friends", but truth to be told, any friend of mine that break rules gets more harsh punishment because they directly know me and still are breaking rules.

I've removed Gamemasters from their positions because they used macro in a test-server.
That's how ruthless I am with friends that disobey my rules.
On account for that, when I'm not banishing someone, you think a random player is more precious than staff members?

Point is, if I'm not banishing/deleting someone you think should be, it's because either there was no rule broken, or there's not enough legit evidence to support it to make it punishable.

As with cheaters, nobody is deleted without proper and legit proof, I run RetroCores seriously and I don't want anyone playing fair risking deletion just because people mass report him/her for vendetta alike situations.

Sometimes, someone is cheating but catching him with correct evidences might take a little while.
And sometimes, people just assumed wrong out of hatred or similar situations.

I've under my many years working against cheaters, seen many fair and honest playing people being accused of cheating just because they have great and quick reflexes.
And unfortunately, when we refuse to delete someone there no proofs of cheating can be found, we're instantly accused of being corrupted and favoring that player.

Let me ask you this, why would we risk the honor and trust of RetroCores, for a single player people might hate?
Sounds odd, doesn't it?

To that, some could accuse us of not deleting a player because he has a large team and we're afraid of making them quit.
But same there, we've deleted many "high status" players and we'll keep deleting them, if they cheat and evidence is sufficient.

On a very similar note, we're often accusing of favoring specific teams.
When there's a lot of wars going on, and one team is getting members deleted on daily basis while the other has no deletions.
It's not because we favor the other team, it's because the first team contains a lot of cheaters that's easily caught and evidences of cheating is sufficient for deletion.

Keep in mind, if someone has bad press towards something, and keep staying around to keep yelling about the negative things, it's highly likely to be a troll or similar trying to spread disinformation.
Most normal people, when they get upset of a service or game, they tend to leave it quietly and not make a big deal out of it that last days/weeks or sometimes even months like majority of trolls does.

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